Weight watchers, as the name suggests, is an international company which specialises in helping people to lose weight. This company offers a number of dieting products and other weight loss services which can help an individual to shed those extra ounces easily.

The company, weight watchers was founded in 1963 by Brooklyn based, Jean Nidetch. Starting up as a small enterprise, Weight watchers have today established it in more than 30 countries. The trademark manner in which weight watchers works is what has made it known all over the world.

Any person, who adopts weight watcher’s plan, is expected to select a certain goal or weight which should fall under the category of healthy with respect to their body mass index. Once the program starts, the individual is expected to reach the decided weight limit by exercising, consuming only healthy food items and avoiding junk food completely. Upon achieving the desired weight limit, the individual starts the maintenance period which can extend up to six weeks. During this period, the individual is expected o consume only healthy food items and exercise and ensure that there is no further increase or decrease in their weight. The idea is to achieve a static weight.

As far as the effectiveness of this weight loss program is concerned, statistics reveal that any individual who joins the Weight Watch program is able to shed at least 3 kilos in a year within a year. Weight watchers are touted to be the third best weight management program and also the one, which helps to mitigate heart risks and cardiac diseases.

Like most of the weight loss programs, Weight watchers too are an expensive weight management program. However it keeps offering regular discounts and promotions to its customers, ranging from free registration to subsidised fees. Some of their members who choose to become lifetime members of this program are more prone to benefit the most from this weight loss program.

One of the most exclusive features of Weight Watchers is the monthly pass which it offers to its members. Through this pass, the members are entitled to online helps as well from their peers and mentors at Weight watchers. These individuals are entitled to use this service to gain access to support materials and tracking tools. This service of online help can also be accessed by meeting members by paying up an additional amount as they go. However, most of them prefer to go for monthly pass as it allows them to gain access to several other benefits upon the payment of a small fee, such as exclusive cookbooks with healthy recipes that assist in weight loss or having access to guidance at any point of their weight loss program.


All in all, it’s a good weight loss program provided one is committed enough to the cause of losing their excess weight.