Are you tired of canceling or avoiding the business meeting or social parties due to the embarrassment of extra sweat and foul odor? Do you actually keep thinking to move to some cooler space to overcome the difficulty of excessive sweating? In case you are suffering from the problem of hyperhildrosis, relocation and avoidance will not actually solve any problem. You require looking out for the homemade sweating remedies instead of just trying to run from this common problem.
Drinking the apple cider vinegar with pure honey can prove to be really beneficial. One should consume the juice at least a week’s time before starting experiencing the results. Tomato juice when taken on a regular basis also provides great sweat reduction results to control the hyperhildrosis difficulty. One should drink this mixture for about a week to enjoy great results.
Also, a small amount of sea salt when mixed perfectly with buttermilk or lime juice can be used as a beneficial way to reduce sweat. The mixture should be consumed on a daily schedule in order to see great results. Even a homemade deodorant which works great as the extra sweating remedy is that of cornstarch. The paste requires applying to armpits on a regular basis. As for the ladies who face extra perspiration during their menopause time, Vitamin E tablets along with magnesium citrate can solve the sweating problem.
Indeed a tea made using fresh sage leaves can also solve the hyperhildrosis problem. In case of external use, one can grab some of the cotton pads and soak these in baking soda and lemon juice to dab them on the underarms. It is a superb way to lower down the body odor as well as sweating while offers a fresh, tingly and clean feeling.
Trying some of the above mentioned homemade remedies can help a lot to get rid of sweating. If you wish to try other sweating remedies, it is better to no the natural and herbal way.