If you wish to enjoy hair growth at a faster rate, you can try some home remedies. Drinking plenty of water is great. Sleep for around 8 hours daily and exercise on a regular basis to improve blood circulation. Keep stress at bay and you will observe your hair growing faster than ever before.

Massage properly

Massage the hair roots properly as will help in blood circulation. You can do massage on both dry and moist hair.

Consume proteins

Hair is basically made up of the beneficial proteins. So better eat the foods that include proteins such as eggs, yeast, sprouts, nuts, yoghurt, beans, wheat, milk products and fish. Soy protein also helps a lot to grow hair faster.

Home remedies for hair growth

Onion can be great

Onion is also useful in growing of hair. You can add some minced onion in your shampoo and let it stand on your hair for around 15 minutes or so. You can use this on a regular basis to enjoy hair growth and hair shine.

Yoga helps a lot

Even some types of yoga help to increase blood circulation in hair scalp thereby improving the overall rate of growth.

Egg and other ingredients

You can use egg white as well as neem on your hair and wash it after 2 to 3 hours. You can even use olive oil and eggs to be applied on your scalp.

Hair care

Don’t blow dry hair and if possible, wash them just once in a week.

Even the rosemary water is great and can be used regularly to make your hair grow faster.

Vitamin supplements

As one’s hair reflects overall health of an individual, the fresh foods that contain vitamins or the vitamin supplements can help a great deal in hair growth. Vitamin B complex, carotene and biotin are very important for proper and faster growth of hair.

so make use of any or some of the home remedies for hair growth and enjoy longer, shinier, glowing hair in no time.