Gum disease is also known as the periodontal disease that is primarily caused as a result of the bacteria from building up of tartar and plaque. Some of the other causes of gum disease include grinding or clenching the teeth, genetics, specific medications or tobacco use.  It is indeed better to note the signs of this dental problem to cure the disease at early stages. Some signs that can be experienced may include teeth mobility, tooth loss, abscessed teeth, bleeding or swollen gums and tooth sensitivity.



There are two kinds of gun disease that can affect a person adversely. These include gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the starting phase of severe gum problem and is most of the times undetectable. Further, untreated gingivitis can lead to next phase of gum illness. With various periodontitis levels, the basic outcome is chronic inflammation, the situation in which one’s body breaks down the tissue and bone in infected region of mouth thereby resulting in bone and tooth loss.


Studies have suggested that gingivitis can increase the overall risk of stroke and heart disease due to the high amounts of bacteria found in the infected mouth areas. As the periodontal disease rises, the overall risk of getting cardiovascular illnesses may also increase. Other researches have highlighted that inflammation in gums can make chronic inflammation in various parts of body that have been implicated in raising risk of strokes. Even the people suffering from diabetes have some type of gum disease that is caused by the high blood glucose level. These people with problem of diabetes should take additional care to make certain that proper flossing and brushing is used for preventing any advancement of gum disease. Regular dental check ups as well as cleanings with dental hygienist needs to be followed to treat the gum disease in an appropriate manner.