Attention deficit disorder is a common problem faced by many and especially by children. However there are many home remedies for attention deficit disorder or ADD that can be tried in the kitchen without any ill effects. Some popular natural remedies for ADD include preventing the patient from taking dairy items. People Suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder can try few easy remedies available at home. One can use the milk alternatives like almond milk and rice milk that are great substitutes.

Home Remedies for Attention Deficit Disorder

Water helps

Another simple home remedy for ADD is to make the patient drink a lot of water. This proves to be really useful.

Use Omega 3 fatty acids

One more useful natural remedy to treat ADD is use of the Omega 3 fatty acids. Researches have highlighted that people suffering from this disorder have low levels of necessary fatty acids. Thus patients when offered food items rich in the fatty acids highlight great improvements. One can add fish in the regular diet to make up for the deficiency of fatty acid.

Protein is all useful

The protein filled diet such as cheese, eggs and soy milk is further useful in countering the symptoms of ADD. The proteins stimulate production of the brain chemicals thereby restoring the balance of brain chemical. This in turn makes the patient focused and attentive.

Attention Deficit Disorder

Vitamin B6 for treating ADD

Another useful home remedy is through adding the foods that are filled with Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is really crucial for production of the serotonin in one’s brain that is generally a neurotransmitter. The patients with low levels of Vitamin B6 face the problem of hyperactivity and so it is best to consult the doctor before providing Vitamin B6 to the patient.

Organic items

The organically grown fruits, vegetables and the lean meats are actually very useful to overcome the problems faced by the patients suffering from attention deficit disorder.

Last but not least, apart from the home remedies for ADD, meditation, psychotherapy and counseling can be used to deal with the problem of ADD in an effective way.